Warmer ... but wet

2nd December 2019 (Monday)     08.00 .... luckily it isn’t frosty this
Colourful sunrise.
morning because if it was the roads would be like a skating rink;  it’s rainin’.   Light rain and a moderate breeze is the weather forecast for our area .... no sunny spells or intervals.    Oh well .... at least there one consolation;  there isn’t any dust.

09.00    We had  a colourful sunrise and the beach would have been the place to do it justice but it was raining so I ‘snapped’ it from the street.  I think today might be spent writing Christmas cards.

13.30    The rain is slightly heavier than it was.... in fact it’s a dreich day now;  not a day for being on the Coastal Path.   I went to Leven to take the car through the car wash and visit Jim:  and achieved a 50% success rate;   the car wash was not operating.   Jim was in excellent form, and I managed to make a cuppa to go with the “soo’s lugs” I’d taken in.    Myra came in bearing more goodies so we’re all well filled up with energy giving calories.

Leven beach dog walkers.
I did a shopping in Sainsbury’s when I was there;  got all the stuff I needed plus a few things, irresistibly packaged ,that I didn’t need but suddenly ‘wanted’.    It’s the ‘keep the investor’s happy season’.... sometimes known as ‘Christmas’ .... however I didn’t see much that looked related to the real reason for celebrating at this time of year.
It’s a miserable looking day now so I very much doubt if I’ll be going far in the afternoon.

16.00    It has been a drab afternoon, but I have managed to avoid SAD (Seasonally Affective Disorder) by working on sunny photographs.   However  I must fit a higher light output lamp into the computer room;  I’ll get one of those tomorrow.    SAD must be a big problem in Finland .... I wonder how they cope with their long winter?   When I think about it they might not be too bad as they have loads of snow therefore loads of
Jim's Residential HQ.
light.   Apparently it’s the lack of light  that’s the problem.

19.38    Mmmm .... it’s wet old evening (I’ve been out to the bucket) so the hatches have been battened and I am settling down for the evening.... I might even switch ‘on’ the tele to see what’s going on in between the adverts.

Tomorrow is forecast to be cloudy but dry;   I'm thinking that  should get to the beach in the morning.

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