Bonnier morning ....

2nd November 2019 (Saturday)    09.00 ....  There has been a lot of rain
Bonnie sky over Elie Bay.
overnight but that has moved away and we have a nice, if slightly damp, morning:   dry with hardly a breath of wind and, best of all, sunny spells.    I have been to the beach and round ‘The Ferry’ on the bike,;  now I am well ready for breakfast.

14.00    I’ve been a busy ‘boy’ today.... though nothing very physical.    When I finished breakfast I decided to visit Jim and when in Leven do a wee shopping.    I didn’t really need much from the shop but I thought might as well go to the shop.    I bought more ingredients to make Melting Moments.... having eaten the Cornflakes I bought to make Melting Moments when ‘M’ was here.

Misty morning.
Jim was quiet today but brightened up when I showed him the goodies I brought with me.   I made us a mug of coffee to go with the Danish Pastries and we chatted about thing ‘Royal’... i.e. Earlsferry.  Grace arrived about 10 minutes after we’d scoffed the pastries.
It looks like we had the best of the weather first thing this morning;   the sky has clouded over and its beginning to rain.    I’ll have another cuppa and then have ‘50’.... my eyelids are beginning to feel heavy.

19.00    The early part of the day was the best part as far as weather went.... we’ve had more rain in the afternoon.   It is dry now and I’m wondering if tonight will be the Guy Fawkes fireworks celebrations.   Celebrate someone that failed in his mission? .... seems kinda pointless but I guess it’s embedded into the annual system of events by
 Elie beach this morning.
now.   If there is a display tonight I should hear it;   the wind is from the right direction.

I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow;  it all depends on the weather and how I’m feeling.   The forecast is for the weather to be much the same as it has been today;  in which case I’ll probably go somewhere in the car.   At the moment I’m having a cuppa with a couple of slices of Selkirk Bannock:   Yes Donald’s been .... and photographs have been taken of aforesaid ‘Bannock’.   Thanks Donald .... I must have been having ‘50’ when you were at the door.

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