Interesting sky ....

15th November 2019 (Friday)    09.30 .... I’m lying low today after a
Should we be worried?
roch night coughin’ and splutterin’.    I might go out in the car later but right now I need another cuppa and a couple o’ pills.

We have a mostly overcast sky with the odd blue patch and it’s cold and dry in a brisk northerly wind;   I’ve been as far as the gate.   In fact I was at the gate this morning at 05.00 putting the bucket out.   The plan is to stay in and work on the computer;   I’ll skip morrrrrrrrrrrrning coffee, I don’t want ‘the Troops’ catching this, though at this time of year it’s hard to miss catching a cold.

The Ferry beach.
14.30    I’m feelin spritely now and have been for the paper;  the only part of me that’s sore is my chest muscles from coughing last night.  And I’m tired after a rather sleepless night.    I went to the beach for a bit of fresh air;  it’s actually nice in between some light showers that bumble over now and again.... they make the sky is interesting.   I haven’t done much in the way of work but hope to get fired up later.

17.00    It’s cold and wet after another shower .... not a bonnie end to the day.    Tomorrow looks like being much the same as today with a few more sunny spells in the middle of the day:  a computer day I’m thinkin’.  I’ve had a lazy afternoon:  I went to bed as I kept falling asleep in front of the computer;  an early night in bed should have
Elie Bay.
me ‘bright eyed and bushy tailed’ tomorrow morning.

19.00    I’ve had a fairly happy day though I must admit it has been mostly a lazy one.   I’ll be in bed early tonight hoping to get a decent night’s sleep.... I guess that depends on how often I cough.
I don’t have a ‘plan’ for tomorrow but I think it will be a ‘stay in’ day;  staying warm and drinking loads o’ cuppas.   Right now I’m going to watch ‘The Last of The Summer Wine’:  then it will be bed with my book.    I’ve taken a couple of Paracetemol... now I’ll put the kettle ‘on’.

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