21.00       The weather did stay ‘nice’ all day .... and my washing dried nae bother;   so not only has it been a bonnie day it has also been a productive and satisfying one. 
Elie Bay this morning
Today I pruned some kind o’ shrub that Maggie planted;  definitely the prickliest thing I’ve had to prune so far....  pruning an acacia tree came into my mind at one point.     Anyway the bush has been pruned, and the ‘broon’ is ‘full’.    I might take some ‘garden’ stuff along to the Recycling Depot at Pittenweem later in the week.

After lunch, I felt tired and in much need of ‘50’, so I retired to the Hutte and read a bit of my book before falling asleep for around  20 minutes.    Feeling frisky after the short rest, I made a cuppa, read another bit of my book, did a wee bit more garden tidying, then decided that I
Kincraig Cliffs Earlsferry
needed to take some exercise for the hip muscles.    By now it didn’t feel as cold as it had been earlier, so I got the bike out, and went up to the  Chapel Green where I told Maggie how busy I’d been;   and got ‘instructions’ re getting on with my ‘Spring clean’ ... now that Spring is ‘here’.    I biked round to Sea Tangle Road, where I met Ron and Elinor out for their afternoon walk.... then went up to Grange Road to take a look at the new houses, before drifting back to Ivy, in time to go down to the beach for my evening potter around at sunset time.    I have had a very busy, pleasing day, and will be well ready for my ‘book at bedtime’.   
First Sand Castle of Easter

The weather forecast for tomorrow is  ‘excellent’ .... so I might do some ‘gardening’ in the morning.     In the afternoon I’m driving Jimmy up to St Andrews for a check up appointment.

Photographs : Top – Elie Bay with the ‘fringe of gold’ look this morning, Middle – Kincraig cliffs this afternoon, and, Bottom -  the setting sun gives a cosy glow to the first ‘sand castle’ of the Easter Season.

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