Breezy ....

17th February 2023 (Friday)     08.00.... The weather is ‘bright breezy’ this

morning (F8 out in the Firth – ‘Saipem 3000’), but it is already at the start of a decreasing trend so should be bikeable by midday.   It isn’t cold... or wouldn’t be if it wasn’t wind.  ; I kept waking up because I was too hot in bed last night.   In fact I thought the heating was ‘on’ but it wisnae: however, I still have the winter TOG downie on the bed:  and “ne’er cast a cloot till May is oot” applies tae the downie as weel as my claes.

18.30    It has been a bit blowy today, but at least it was dry.   It was the middle of the afternoon before I went up to Chapel Green on the bike;  the wind had calmed doon to F4 - 5.  There was a bonnie kind o’ light about so I managed to take a few photographs;  including the progress with the new build and renovations on Chapel green road houses.  

The new house on the former ‘Chapel Green House’ site is progressing well;  the stonework is the something else.... but the whole house is now looking really good.  There’s work going on at ‘White Cottage’ but that in mostly visible from the East... the beach.   Katherine Bank has a lot going on... and has done for months;  I’m looking forward to seeing the finished job when the scaffolding comes down.   Finally the new house on the former ‘Four Winds’ site is nearing completion.   The Ferry will be really quiet when all that building work is done.

21.30    Alice is badly needing to be ‘annoyed’.... that’s my job;  but I can’t go along to Methil to ‘annoy’ her ‘cos Alice has COVID;  and has been feeling poorly with a bad cough for the past few days.    Hopefully she will be better soon, and ready for some ‘annoying’.   I have a barra load o’ annoy-en-ness in me....and it’s frustratin’ no’ bein able tae use it.

At last the wind has dropped to a light breeze.... it has been replaced with rain.  When I

Katherine Bank.

think about it we haven’t had a decent spell o’ rain for a while, which is unusual for this time o’ year. 

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