Warm and sunny ....

11th July 2022 (Monday)   07.00 ....the garden thermometer is reading 15C

(58f) on what is a bright, sunny ....and warm morning.   There’s a thin layer of high cloud just now but I imagine the sun will burn that orf in a wee  while.    With the bike being out of action until Wednesday, I'll have a short daunder to the beach,  before it gets busy and before the temperature rises.   ‘Willy Weather’ is forecasting a possible high of 27C. 

11.00    It’s a cracker o’ a day;  in fact it will be too hot for me in the afternoon, but I imagine the beach will be popular:   high tide is at 12.30.   I had a short ‘walk’ to the beach before breakfast then took the car to go for the paper;  the bike is in ‘dry dock’ until Wednesday (when the first of the valve adaptors should arrive).   I say ‘first set to arrive because I discovered that the first set I ordered  are coming from China.   It’s a small world right enough.   The Chinese ones won’t arrive until the 23rd July.  

All is good around the villages.... actually the villages are quieter than I expected them to be this morning.... and all is good at the harbour.   I won’t go anywhere until evening time now;  I’ll play with photos in the morning, then have a siesta in the afternoon.

17.00    It was 24C (75f) in the garden this afternoon;  needless to say I only went out to read the thermometer.   My afternoon has been spent in the coolness of Ivy, reading the ‘Balcarres ‘ book:  sadly I found out the Master Tom’ died last year:  he was a year older than me;  when he was at home, we would go fishing in the Den Burn.

I might go out once the air cools down a bit;  that will be later in the evening.   The sky has clouded over in the last hour, but the air is warm.... this could be an uncomfortably warm night for sleeping.

21.00    At the time of writing there are 11 candidates to be the next Conservative Party

leader, with Rishi Sunak being the gamblers favourite.  Actually he probably is the best one for the job, because, having managed two ‘hedge funds’ he is obviously knows something about the countryside.   I’m joking: I do know what a Hedge Fund is ... it's something that widens the gap between rich and poor.

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