Bonnie morning ....

3rd August 2021 (Tuesday)      06.30 ....we had 9C on the garden

thermometer at 06.00, which is to be expected because the sun is later in rising:  there's early morning mist about, however when that evaporates we should have another warm day.   At the moment there’s a light breeze from the West;  and the mist/haar is starting to thicken... not burn off. 

08.30    I don’t know about big clouds in the afternoon, but a thick layer of cloud/haar has rolled over us in the past hour, which I hope will disperse in the next;  at the moment my trip to the top of Kincraig is ‘on hold’, and the kettle ‘on’.   The ‘Troops’ are off to Livingston.... they’ll probably be back before go to Kincraig!   I expect the sun will burn off the cloud fairly quickly;  there’s certainly no point in going to the top of Kincraig on another misty morning.   I already have a batch of misty photos taken from Kincraig:  When we can the 'sooth side',  that’s when I ‘take off’.

20.00   By 09.30 I realised that the mist was going to be with us most of the day;
but I decided to go to Kincraig anyway.... the ‘sooth side’ was visible in the mist but only just;  visibility would be about 7 miles or so.   I set off about 09.40... and was back in Ivy by 09.50;  I’d forgotten the camera.   It takes 15 minutes to bike to the top of Kincraig (from Ivy).... the last bit is steep and I have to push the bike.   As expected the views were brilliant.... and the Coastal Path busy. I met a couple out for their morning stroll;  they are on holiday at Shell Bay.  Another man I met told me that the dolphins were moving southeast and that we should see them..... and we did, but they were too far out to photograph.   I have one photo that shows where a dolphin had been.    I got some decent photos, albeit slightly misty .... so I am a happy boy.

Michael and Janice had a good shopping session at Livingston.... they arrived home

about 13.00..... happy with their mission.   The remainder of the afternoon was spent ‘resting’.   The ‘Troops’ went up to the 19th for a refreshment but weren’t out long;  I went to The Hutte to do a Soduko:  I woke up when Michael said that ‘cuppas’ were on the way.


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