Windy with heavy showers ....


25th October 2020 (Sunday)   07.30 ....We had a touch of red in the sky this

.... unfortunately it was raining at the time so I couldn’t go to the beach to photograph it, but I did get a couple from the ‘Ferry Corner’.   At the moment we don’t have a ‘bonnie day’;  but I’m hoping that the rain will clear away quickly so that I can get out.... the forecast isn’t ghastly.   The showers should be lighter, and not so wild, by mid morning.

16.00   Setting my watch is a finicky job, and, with my hands not being as able as they were it took me about 20 minutes.  The main problem is the fact that the ‘button’ has three positions;  more than one and I’m in trouble.   The three positions are distance out from the body of the watch.... the furthest out being ‘C’ and it is only 1.5 millimetres, so hitting the right position is a bit hit or miss.   This morning it was more miss than hit!   It you get the wrong position and turn the button .... oops .... that alters something that you don’t want to change.     Anyway ... after a cuppa, and a conversation with the ‘button’ all is well.

I’ve made good progress with the cover for the ‘fireplace hole’;   I should get it finished tomorrow.    At midday I decided to go up to Kinneuchar and get everyone coming out of the kirk .... I was about 15 minutes late;  (this hasn’t been my day has it?), and everyone was out and on their way home by the time I got to Kinneuchar.   Never mind I enjoyed the run in what was a ‘bracing’ breeze.

19.30     This hasn’t been my day right enough....  I’m having a migraine..   It will be the weather.    I’ve had an enjoyable and satisfying day;  apart from missing everyone coming oot o’ the kirk, everything else has gone to plan.

‘Plan’ for tomorrow?    I’d like to get the hole covered up then I can seriously think

about ordering the new electric, log burning look, fire.   I could have fitted a proper log burning fire but operating it would involve too much work, cleaning it out etc..... no, the electric version will do me fine.   I well remember the days of open fires in Ivy.... there was something homely about an open fire but messy to work with.

The weather for tomorrow looks like being much the same as it was today... ‘light rain showers and a moderate breeze’ being the actual forecast.    I should get the work done.... and perhaps  get out between showers.

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