Old Coal road. ....

3rd August 2020 (Monday)    08.30 .... There’s a braw autumnal air

this morning .... the kind of freshness that makes me want to get out on the bike.    I’ve been to the beach, but have yet to go for a paper.   I’m thinking of going to Balcarres but I have a few things to do first:  like having my breakfast and hanging out a washing.    The beach was fairly busy with joggers  (Tom was out for his morning exercise) and I met Chris who had been out on the bike.    Both things I used to do.   Mind you I’m enjoying doing what I do now... and I have plenty memories of jogging and biking.    I still go biking right enough but with a battery assisted bike.   Of to have breakfast.    I can't go out on the bike until the phone has fully charged.

18.30      With it being one of my ‘get up and go’ kind of mornings I decided, when having breakfast, that I’d do the ‘Old Coal Road’ from Kilbrackmont to Gibliston;  it’s a road I’ve done loads of times, the last time being four years ago.   I was in the mood and it was a perfect morning so I quickly got myself organised and set off at 10.15.     I’d decided to do the road from the South side.... Gibliston Farm:  this isn’t the best way but I wanted to do the conserve battery power.   This way I’d walk up the steep, (and roughest) bit by Cloughret Ha’.   This is one of my favourite ‘get away from it all’ places on Balcarres Estate;  though I most often come in from the Kilbrackmont end and only go as far as ‘The Big Tree’.... today I wanted to do this whole section of road. 

Old Coal Road.
I had a really enjoyable outing;  but my knee is sore.   What I lack in mobility I make up for with determination;  hence the sair knee.   Tomorrow will be a ‘rest day’.... and probably Wednesday too!   I photographed my way up to Cloughret Ha, where I stopped for a snack, then on to ‘The Big Tree’.    If I do go onto the OCR (Old Coal Road) again it will be to visit the tree.... thus avoiding the roughest part of the road.   ‘The Big Tree’ is beech and of a huge girth but not a single tall trunk.   Whether it was struck by lightning in its early years (I imagine it will be about 200 years old) or was two trees very close together and they grew into each other I don’t know.... but it is one big tree.   It is suffering from severe rot in place with bits falling off it but it still produces beech nuts in abundance.   It was when I was to the tree that I notice heavy shower clouds coming over so had to make a move back home sooner than I’d intended.   I came home by way of the Estate road from Lathallan to Colinsburgh.   The total length of my journey was 19.85 kilometres (12.33 miles) and it was done on less than half of the battery power.   Cellardyke is well within range with judicious use of battery and legs.

21.00    It has been a brilliant day and I am a tired and happy boy at the end of it;   ready for bed and

The big tree.
my book.    I had been apprehensive about going too far on the bike then running out of battery power ,but with sensible use of the battery 20 miles (which is the battery range) is well within range.   Once the roads are quiet again... after the holiday season .... I’ll go to slightly further afield.    Even if I do run out of battery you can still use the bike ....  in a low gear.     Right now it’s chocolate time, a quick look at the ‘News’ then off to bed.

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