Enjoyable morning ....

26th July 2020 (Sunday)    06.30 .... The ‘plan’  is to master using this camera

"Breadwinner II" in Woodhaven Bay (Elie).
on Manual by the end of ‘today’;  I want to take proper ‘macro’ photos with it and that is done with manual focusing.    I found a video on YouTube that shows how it’s done but there’s no sound on it.   Oh ... it’s a nice fresh morning with the slight chance of an early morning shower which is a bit of a nuisance as I have a washing in the machine.... in spite of the fact there was some red in the sky at sunrise.

10.00    My word .... what a crackin’ mornin’.   I’ve done the ‘paper run’ and took 115 photos on the way round.   It’s that kind of morning.    The streets were quiet as the beach but it was early (06.10)....;  the only folk  I met were Cath and John in the ‘paper shop’ and Neil out with the dogs, litter picking his way round the villages.   It was busier by the time I got back to Ivy an hour and  a half later.   I’m a happy boy.

19.30     I went out on the bike later this afternoon ... after the streets quietened down. 

Trial shot of the moon.

 With it being a bonnie day Ferry Road has been busy;  the beach being a popular destination for many, and a general wander around for others.    I transferred the sign onto the board this afternoon, in between doing Soduko’s.... and intend ‘writing’ it tomorrow;   well a bit of it.    My hands aren’t as supple they used to be so it will be a slow job.    On my trip out on the bike  I went to Chapel Green then up to the Pony Field.

When I was out I took a practice shot of the moon (not quite a half moon) and I was surprised at the result;  I’ll take another one now that the sun isn’t as bright as it was earlier.... but I see clouds coming over so that might be the end of that plan.

21.00     I have a Tesco delivery tomorrow morning;  that’s always exciting because I forget what I ordered, though I don’t remember adding ‘goodies’ to the list so I may be disappointed.     

It’s good seeing the villages full of happy holiday makers;  I must make an attempt to go

to Elie during the day to see how it is.   It’s quiet when I am out in the morning, but I have no problem with traffic.    That reminds me;   I took a photo from the breakwater this morning and when I checked through them I found there was a lady  wading in the sea and I hadn’t even seen her.   My little planet consists of scenic rectangles.

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