Cool breeze from the East ....

26th June 2019 (Wednesday)     07.30..... the sky is heavily overcast, and,
Overcast, quiet kind of morning.
combined with a breeze from the east, the air feels unseasonably cool:   it should turn warmer once the sun begins to burn back the cloud.    Alas, there will be wind chill, which will take a few degrees off the temperature, near the coast;  it will be cosy inland.      I haven’t been out yet:  I intend timing my circumnavigation of the villages to be at ‘arbour ‘ouse for morning coffee;  hoping that the sun will be breaking through by then.

11.30    Wellll .... the sun has yet to burn back the cloud;  it’s  still overcast, and chilly in the breeze, so I took the car to the harbour and for morning coffee.    The villages are busy .... especially Ferry Road.   Funnily enough I’m feeling sluggish this morning;   I watched Foyle’s War last night and that ended at midnight.    That is a late night for me.... and I still wake up at 05.00.     Although I didn’t get ‘up’ until 06.00, I have a feeling that I might need to have ‘50’ after lunch.    I’d kind of thought of visiting Jim but I’ll do that when I go for the haircut.

17.00     My word ..... this heat is fair taking the frisky oot o’  me;   it’s been 22c in the garden.    This not good for the older folks:  I am just so glad that I am not old.    It is even cosier in France and Spain.... and they are used to cosy weather.    From all that you will have jaloused that the sun has burnt off the cloud layer.

I did go to Leven after the ‘Lite Bite’ lunch:   oh, I must tell you ....  the soup and sweet was out of this world.... as was the company;  a really pleasant hour.     I don’t need to make food tonight..... a light snack will do.

After doing a wee shopping I visited Jim.    Sandy (Jim and Myra’s son) was over from Edinburgh, but we both thought Jim slightly restless today.      He (Jim) settled down once we started talking about our National Service days;   and appeared to settle and enjoy the company.

20.00    Well it has been a lovely day .... once the sun got going.... and this warm weather is forecast to be with us for the  next few days:   so let’s enjoy it.     I will get out early tomorrow, then potter around the garden.    I must remember the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon.... this is the last one before the summer break.    We have to take an item for the Food Bank (instead of putting money in the tin) my donation being a big Packet of Kellog’s Rice Crispies.

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