Feeling perky .....

18th July 2018 (Wednesday) ....08.30    it is overcast with the occasional
Brenda (Harbour House girl) helping wine van driver clear up broken bottles.
spits and spots of light rain this morning, so I haven’t been down to the beach:  however rain isn’t going to come to much, and we should end up with a bonnie ‘day’.   I have the urgent desire to do something!     Okay
 .... I’ll sort out some more holiday photographs, before going for the papers.

22.00    We, the ‘Troops’, were sitting in Harbour House, quietly discussing my ‘love life’ (it was a short lived discussion), when we heard an unusual noise as a Wine Delivery van took the A917 corner up into Park Place (Elie):  it almost sounded as if three boxes of wine had landed on the road.    In fact, three boxes of wine had landed on the road!    Trust Elie to have posh litter!   Brenda (Harbour House girl) helped the driver sweep and pick up the bits of broken glass that comes with accidents of this nature.  In ‘nae time’ Elie was back to its normal ...  “nothing ever happens here” self.... and we ‘the troops’ went our separate ways.

Pettycur Holiday Park from Pettycur Harbour.
My ‘separate way’ took me to Pettycur Harbour.    Jim had intended coming but had to cancel because something needed doing at home.    I ‘did’ Pettycur, Harbour, Dysart and stopped at Sainsbury’s on the way home.     It wasn’t the best time of day for taking photographs,... and I’d gone out without any change  for the parking ticket machine (60p), so I only had a quick stop at Pettycur .... one of my favourite places.    At Dysart I had a cuppa in the Harbour Masters House;  I didn’t have to worry about the parking machine because I ‘moored up’ on the road.   I was back at Ivy in time to catch the last hour of Stage 11 of the Tour de France.     Once again I’m shattered with watching all the uphill stuff.    Mind you on the way down they hit 80 kph... that’s 50 mph.    Jings if you hit a barrier at that speed , the bike would stay at one side of the valley and you'd end up on the other side;   both you, and the bike, would be a mess.

I’ve just been ‘falling apart’ on “Nana’s Seat” (in front of St Margaret’s... or
Dysart Harbour.
Earlsferry House as it’s now called) enjoying the sounds of a living beach.   Young folk enjoying themselves, adults enjoying watching the kids, folk in the water, a family having a BBQ, .... the sound and scenes of  lovely summer evening.    Very relaxing.
Thursday is forecast to be another nice day;   Friday is forecast to be wet.    The garden needs the rain.... my weeds are turning broon and dying on me.   I daresay they’ll have left plenty seeds for next year!

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